Gerne würdest du allen so viel sagen - Unterbrochene Gespräche des 20. Jahrhunderts
Monika Powalisz · Kai Pfeiffer (Editors)
In German-Polish cooperation with the Living Archive laboratory for documentary comics.
With Julia Bernhard, Hannah Brinkmann, Karolina Chyżewska, Sheree Domingo, Katia Fouquet, Nathalie Frank, Thomas Gilke, Katharina Greve, Jakob Hinrichs, Till Lukat, Clayton Junior, Nik Neves, Bianca Schaalburg, Anne Zimmermann
Portrait einer Straßenecke is a 16-page comic exploring the history of the street corner in Berlin, Kreuzberg where I used to live: Ritterstraße/ Bergfriedstraße. A collage of different stories, from different people, connecting the past with current events.